
Monday, 9 November 2009

Lots of things are happening!

Orange City Council has adopted a resolution to back (no money as yet) artists wanting to aquire studio space at East Fork ( The Barracks) Alan Sisley tells me he is organising a meeting with council and interested parties - Tim Winters has offered his suport for the project so we have another well know award winning artist to add on our list of  interested parties.Tim Winters has lived and worked in Australia for many years. He recently won the Country Energy Art Prize for Landscape Painting and is Director of the Ironbarks Printmaking Summer School in Australia.
There is a meeting this Saturday the 14th November at the Orange Regional Art Gallery at 10 am - It is intended to form a comittee of Colour City Creative's to enable us to become an incorporated body in order to pursue funding and sponsorship.The cost of incorporation I believe is $175 which I will ask attendees/future members to contribute towards - I will pay this up front and then ask for subsciptions (the more people the lower the subscription)
Marcus Westbury Workshop is on 18th November at Bathurst with a public lecture in evening (I still need to nail down the attendees for the workshop before 13th so I can give numbers to Arts out West) So far I think myself, Aileen, Ken and Joy are attending on behalf of CCCA. 
On the 3rd December I am meeting with the CEO of the Australia Council Kathy Keele along with Elizabeth Rogers (CEO of Regional Arts Australia) and possibly Louise Walsh from ArtSupport at The Barracks to discuss "The Vision"
Tracy Callinan from Arts Out West  has also emailed myself and Alan Sisly details of major funding available through the Jobsfund

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