Hi everyone!
Well while I was away trying to sun myself under gloomy skies in Coffs, you voted me as Publicity Officer! so here's what I think about CCC!
I feel it's time we all pulled together and did some social stuff! I will be writing to each of you this week as soon as they pull the names out of the hat and I ask you to consider very carefully the content of my letter....... it's important we start to DO something TOGETHER.... anything that says 'we are a group and proud of it....'
Yes, yes I know, I know..... there are holdups with the building but you know what, a building doesn't make a 'group', we do, each and every one of us...... so start thinking about what you would like to see happen and let me know......I'll pass it on the tthe Vice Pres, (Phil), he'll pas it onto the Pres (Aida) but together, we can do it!
PS the monthly meeting is on the SECOND Saturday of each month at Moshi Moshi at 3 pm...... great coffee and discounted for members! So see you there in October...... but watch your in tray this week! JOY oh JOY