
Friday 14 June 2024

Members' Show & Tell


CCC has started a series of Workshops for their members. The workshops are called "show and tell"
Colour City Creatives show and tell each other where their art practice is at or what they're experimenting with or what they might be learning.
May was the first of a series, by Jolanta Nejman the next will be led by Judy Kich in the practical uses of monoprints, followed by Lanny skill sharing weaving technique.
If you want to learn from practicing artist, this is a great way to do it. BUT you do have to be a member of Colour City Creatives 

Monday 25 March 2024

'Home Grown' group Art Exhibition

Colour City Creatives are proud to curate "Home Grown" group art exhibition for the upcoming Orange FOOD Week Festival. Come and see the creative labours of local artists this April. It is a free event and great for the whole family.

“Home Grown” explores the influence of our surroundings. Our surroundings form us, our thoughts, influencing our actions and our creativity. Home roots us, nurtures us, makes us and all we do a reflection of our surroundings.

There is a Lucky Door Prize too. Win a $50 CCC gift voucher to spend at the exhibition. You automatically go in the draw when you vote in the people's choice. Winner is drawn on Saturday night for a Sunday spend.
In case you're wondering, the artwork below is a flower created from the map of Orange.

Home Grown
Group Art Exhibition

6 - 7 April
10am - 4pm

Scouts Hall
94 Kite Street Orange NSW
Orange As a Flower