
Saturday 1 October 2022

our 'Apéritif' exhibition is ON!

Yesterday we had our opening of Apéritif art exhibiton.

Diana Bell Brooks read some of her exquisite poetry, while we all gathered around the amazing creativity that CCC artists are known for. 

Here's a taste of what you will find at our favourite venue, the Scout Hall in Kite Street Orange NSW.

We are open 10am - 4pm from Saturday 1 October to Monday 3 October 2022.

Lanny Mackenzie art in front of Wanda Driscoll's gorgeous paintings

Art lovers unite!

Lanny Mackenzie art

Lanny Mackenzie amazing weaving next to Bev Duncan's beautiful painting

Lanny Mackenzie art

Jolanta Nejman art

Jolanta Nejman art

Jolanta Nejman art

Margot Huebner art

Margot Huebner art

Margot Huebner art

Judy Kich art

Judy Kich art

Wanda Driscoll art

Wanda Driscoll art

Jenny Davidson art

Jenny Davidson art

Jenny Davidson art

Patricia Lovecek art

Patricia Lovecek art

Patricia Lovecek art

Philip Salmon art

Philip Salmon art

Philip Salmon art

Lanny Mackenzie art

Bev Duncan art

Toni Bilton art

Toni Bilton art

Toni Bilton art

Wanda Driscoll art

Wanda Driscoll art

Jude Keogh ceramics

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