
Saturday 10 March 2018

Our Dinning Chairs.... oh the shame and the recovery!

Today with the help of Simon and Kathryn we have finally finished recovering the dining chairs in the Pottinger Gallery. They were much loved, much used and very useful..... but, well, just look at our poor darlings:

Judy and I have planned this for oh.... gosh.... over a year and had a good go at it over the past couple of days:

After all the planning and pattern cutting and sewing, we were blessed that today Simon and Kathryn were on the roster for our Farmer's Market Saturday Open Day. It was so good to have such good company :)

and now we all have chairs in the Pottinger gallery we won't have to avert our gazes from..... because they now look like this:
just before stapling above and after stapling below:

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