
Friday 12 August 2011

AGM Approaching!......

Well here I am at my desk and looking at Colour City Creatives and pondering..... pondering..... pondering..... where art thou?

The AGM is on on 27th August.... I think it starts at 11 am in the morning...... so in the pondering where the notices are as to the correct time, I'm taking a stab at 11 am.......

I will be away traveling again..... such is the life of an artist..... always seeking the 'new'..... but I just know that there'll be a huge rollup on the day! so good luck to all of you on the start of Year 2!

Aida is off on a cruise! Not sure when she's back.... just hope it's in time..... all positions are open so if you're inclined to be the type to roll up your sleeves, then please nominate yourself..... who to.... ? that's a good question but do nominate even if it's to the wind......

And for all of you who are hoping to take on art as a career..... please read this website first and understand that it is 'wise' 'insightful' and 'right on the money'...... if you've been wondering what's wrong and why your arts career hasn't taken off.... then also read with care!

If you're inclined to want to hang out with a couple of the CCC artists this weekend, then Denis Bradley and I are having an exhibition at Jayes Gallery of Molong opening Sunday at 2 pm..... some fine offerings on show, the usual free grog and nibbles and a bit of a laugh!

If you haven't been to Jayes, then please do as CCC is having a combined exhibition there this December and it could be good to get your head around the space so you know what we are all doing together! It will be discussed at the AGM I'm told so please do!

Take care out there!


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