I am so pleased to be able to say that I have taken up a studio space with like-minded souls here in the bowels of NSW, Orange! It will be so great to catch up with you all for coffee and a chat now and then in between bursts of creative work and spurts of energy!
Wow! And a big thanks to Aida the driving force behind all of this! It is so 'about time'....and what a fabulous achievement and a hard job well done! Go Aida!
Sometimes the 'aloneness' of being an artist can make us become very insular and we quite forget what it is to socialise....we often even lose our ability to communicate in words, so engrossed in 'painting' out our every thought and mood. As well, we often forget that there are others out there just the same as us that also need nurturing and friends....so this is great!
Being a self professed 'hermit' myself of several years now, I can easily just make my morning coffee and drift around the studio for a day or so....I can even argue with myself and believe that I am still 'sane'.....a good skill but...... now with a place to go, I feel the discipline will be good, the company welcome and a space where we can bounce ideas around, exhibit together and just 'be artists'....well Wow!
My current works are inspired by 'climate change', mostly because I have too much time to read all the news and watch all the doco's on tele.....I'm not gloomy about it at all, I just see it as a natural part of the planet's life cycles, but one that can potentially destroy humanity....in the meantime though, some of the natural forces at play, some of the images that are being shown, some of the ideas being put forth are extremely thought provoking.......
I find it all quite powerful and rather dramatic....so I am attempting to capture this in my work! Here's a little pic of one!

See you all there!
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